KHOR Seng Chew 许成就
Music Director / Producer
Khor Seng Chew founded Dama Asia in 1993. He has produced over 50 productions since his return from London in the early 1990s.
Beside musicals and musical concerts, Seng Chew also presented and produced international shows at the Theatre Lounge Café. They include western opera works like La Traviata and Chinese opera series, working with artists from the UK, USA, Spain, Australia, China, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.
Together with Beijing Daostrategy Consulting Co., Ltd. Seng Chew co-organised the international musical study tours to Broadway, West End and Edinburgh Festivals. He also organised an exclusive musical theatre study tour for Helen O’Grady Drama Academy, China to West End and Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Seng Chew was invited as a speaker as well as a member of the discussion panel at international conferences in China. They include the Asian Musical Trends Forum 2016 and the Launch Of The Committee Of Musical 2016.
Besides lecturing on Chinese Music for the Inner London Educational Authority, he had given talks on Western classical music. He recruited international speakers for the Daostrategy’s theatre training courses, including the International Master Training Course For Theatre Producer 2018 and British Theatre Marketing Training Course 2018.
Seng Chew had performed as a musician in M. Butterfly (Shaftsbury Theatre, West End and Haymarket Theatre, Leicester), the Sun Yet Sun’s Centenarian Commemoration Concert (London Royal Theatre) and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. He performed the Pipa Concerto “The Little Sisters Of The Grassland” with the Penang Symphony Orchestra in the concert tour to Malaysia, Thailand and Australia, and played the pipa part in the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra’s “Yellow River Piano Concerto Concert”. A former national champion in pipa, Seng Chew studied classical guitar at London College Of Music (now the University of West London).
早年负笈伦敦音乐学院念古典吉他,曾随马来西亚槟城交响乐团到泰国及澳洲巡回演出“草原小姐妹”琵琶协奏曲。也曾在伦敦西区沙夫茨伯里剧院(Shaftesbury Theatre) 及莱斯特市的 Haymarket Theatre,为著名演员安东尼霍普金斯主演的“蝴蝶君”中演奏琵琶及吉他。在伦敦期间也担任过Inner London Educational Authority的音乐讲师。
90年代回到马来西亚成立了大马音乐剧团,制作了超过 40 部各类型的舞台作品,如《爱情故事》,《西区百老汇》,《飞越舞台》,《梁祝》,《夜来香》及《我和春天有个约会》等。